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Daily Archives: March 19th, 2010

Bette Davis


Published 15th March 2010



Tuesday 23 March / Launch at the Institut Français in London. Emilie Bickerton will be introducing a special screening of Jean-Luc Godard’s PIERROT LE FOU, followed by Q & A. See here for booking and details:

Wednesday 24 March / Emilie Bickerton will be introducing a special screening of Jean-Luc Godard’s A BOUT DE SOUFFLE, followed by Q & A, followed by book signing, wine and snacks at CINEPHILIA WEST. See here for more details:


“The French New Wave directors all came from Cahiers du Cinema, a magazine that turned film criticism upside down in the 1950s. The salvoes of its sagacity are finely charted by Bickerton, who also laments the recent slide into dumbed-down mediocrity.” Nigel Andrews, Financial Times Books of the Year

“What I love is Bickerton’s certainty and courage. She’s stepping here into the viperous pit of French intellectual life like a mongoose with a mission.” Nick James, Sight & Sound

“Bickerton has done a valuable and highly informative job in locating the historical roots of Cahiers in the cinematic cultural debate that French intellectuals engaged in from the first world war onwards, and an equally useful one in relating the magazine’s decline to the distressing politics of post-1968 France.” Philip French, Observer

“The author masterfully unveils the power and the joy that rose up from the pages during the formative years of Cahiers.” David Cotner, LA Times


The first full history in English of Cahiers du Cinema. The French film magazine was the single most influential project in the history of cinema, integral to the formation of the iconic French New Wave. Founded in 1951 under the editorship of Andre Bazin, the journal was responsible for establishing film as the ‘seventh art’ equal to literature, painting or music, revolutionizing film-making, criticism and theory.

Godard, Truffaut, Rohmer, Rivette and Chabrol were its first generation of critics. Before taking the camera to the streets and reinventing cinematic rules as directors, these men at the cinematic vanguard wielded the pen as the original weapon in their fight against the prevailing nostalgia for the silent era and admiration of cinema de qualite.

Cahiers critics faced ridicule when they called Hitchcock, Hawks or Preminger artists. But the magazine won the battle and convinced the world that these suspense thrillers, noirs or westerns were the greatest expressions of Twentieth Century art.

In this rich and authoritative history, Emilie Bickerton explores Cahiers’ evolution, tracing its post-war beginnings to the New Wave, late-sixties politicization, the response to the television era in the seventies and eighties and the subsequent denouement of Cahiers’ radicalism in the eighties and progressive shift to the mainstream and buy-up from Le Monde in the millennium.

Cahiers’ history is also a story of France’s relationship with America. Admired and vilified with equal passion, Bickerton assesses how Cahiers’ critical positions were consistently defined and reformulated in response to the cinema, and politics, coming from across the Atlantic.

Bickerton’s sharp and focused history of the journal’s trajectory traces the vital but subtle interconnections between cultural and arts criticism, and the society and politics out of which this emerges. It is a book for cinephiles, Francophiles, arts critics and film students alike.


EMILIE BICKERTON is on the editorial board of New Left Review. She is a journalist for Agence France-Presse in Paris, and writes regularly on film, literature and anthropology for publications including the London Review of Books, Times Literary Supplement and The Guardian.


ISBN: 978 1 84467 232 5 / $26.95 / £14.99 / CAN$29.50 / 176 pages


For more information visit:

To buy the book in the UK:


To buy the book in the US:éma/dp/1844672328/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268418057&sr=8-1

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski

The Flow of Ideas:

The Ockress:

Cold Hands & Quarter Moon at:


Fantastic news from Sussex!

Over 800 students voted unanimously for a motion of no confidence in the VC executive group on Wednesday, and today students have been visiting the picket lines of Sussex UCU strike. Now, the suspensions of the “Sussex 6” students have been overturned!

A delegation of Sussex students, including one of the 6, will be marching on Parliament alongside the UCU to defend jobs and education this Saturday. Meet at King’s College London (Strand) at 12pm.

(via Education Activist Network:

Please forward this message to any mailing lists you have access to.

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski

The Flow of Ideas:

Critical Hope


Studies in Social and Political Thought Annual Graduate Conference
Thursday 13 May 2010
University of Sussex Center for Literature & Philosophy, Brighton

‘Utopia, Dystopia and Critical Theory’
A One-day Interdisciplinary Conference for Postgraduate and Research Students.

Keynote Speaker: Professor Peter Osborne (Middlesex)

’Knowledge has no light except that shed on the world by redemption’ Theordor Adorno, Minima Moralia (153)


Postgraduate and Research Students as well as early career researchers working in philosophy, social, political and/or literary theory are invited to submit an abstract of 200 to 400 words on any topic related to the conference theme, prepared for blind reviewing, for a 20-minute paper to be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Eight papers will be selected for three themed sessions, followed by a keynote talk.

Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in Studies and Social & Political Thought, a graduate journal published by the Center for Social and Political Theory at the University of Sussex since 1990 (

The deadline for submissions is 04 April 2010. Notification of acceptance will be sent out within a week. Abstracts or questions should be addressed to:

Possible topics include:

Feminist Futures
Science Fiction, Cultural Politics and the Political Imagination
Utopia and/or Dystopia
Crisis (of Capitalism/Feminism/the State/Marxism/Critical Theory etc)
Ends (of History/Ideology/Capitalism/Communism/Neo-Liberalism/Postcoloniality etc)
Immanent and Transcendent Criticism
Environment, Catastrophe, Risk
Futures (of Critical Theory/Post-modernity/Europe/Islam/Secular
Humanism/Globalisation etc)
Infinity and Totality
Representations of Transcendence/Utopia/Dystopia/Apocalypse
Negative Theology
Iconography, Idolatory and Ideology Critique

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski

The Flow of Ideas:

The Ockress:

Cold Hands & Quarter Moon at:

MySpace Profile: http://www,

Critical Pedagogy


On behalf of Costas Douzinas

Dear friends

The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities is organising this summer the first London Critical Theory Summer School. The general theme this year is ‘Critical Theory and the Political’. This will be a unique opportunity for graduate students and academics to follow a course of study with internationally renowned critical thinkers. The aim of the
course is to foster exchange and debate and will consist of at least 6 modules over the two weeks, each convened by one of the participating academics. This course will not offer transfer of credits.

Participating Academics will include:

Etienne Balibar, Drucilla Cornell, Costas Douzinas , Stephen Frosh, Esther Leslie, Jacqueline Rose & Slavoj Zizek. Special events will features lectures by Jean-Luc Nancy and Alain Badiou (tbc).

Please disseminate the information to all interested lists and people.

For information contact Julia Eisner (

All the best

Costas Douzinas

Summer School
28th June – 9th July
Birkbeck College, University of London

In the Summer of 2010, the BIH will present the first event of the London Critical Theory School – a two week Summer School to be held at Birkbeck College, London University. This will be a unique opportunity for graduate students and academics to follow a course of study with some of the great intellectuals of our time. The aim of the course is to foster exchange and debate and will consist of at least 6 modules over the two weeks, each convened by one of the participating academics. This course will not offer transfer of credits.

Participating Academics will include:

Etienne Balibar – Concepts of the Transindividual: Can we reconcile the legacies of Spinoza, Marx, Freud, and how?

Drucilla Cornell – Socialist Futures

Costas Douzinas – The Left and Rights

Stephen Frosh – Relational ethics: A conversation between psychoanalysis and social theory?

Esther Leslie – The Political and the Arts

Jacqueline Rose – Psychoanalysis and the Polis

Slavoj Zizek – Hegel as a Critical Theorist

Information & application details: or email Julia Eisner

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski

The Flow of Ideas:

The Ockress:

Cold Hands & Quarter Moon at: