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Daily Archives: March 20th, 2010






This new venture has just been set up by Mark Carrigan, a doctoral student in Sociology at Warwick. Please forward to colleagues and students.


The Sociological Imagination is a new online magazine which aims to provide a intellectual and social space for the emergence of a publically engaged social science. At a time when the university is in crisis our hope is that the Sociological Imagination will provide a forum for the development of networks and the articulation of ideas between those inside academia who hope for social change both within and without the university system.

The magazine will host a diverse range of content including articles, shorter polemics, interviews, reviews, conference reports, announcements, calls for contributors and research profiles. It will also include a forum facility and a collection of relevant links.

Submissions will not be edited or peer reviewed beyond basic copy editing. Our intention is to develop a rapid response magazine able to engage quickly with changing social realities and to provide an open forum for the development of critical social thought.

Contributions are welcome on any topic which relates social science to public and/or political engagement.

Submissions should be around 500-2000 words. Deadline for the first issue is 31st May.

If you would like to contribute to the website or be involved in its production then please contact:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski

The Flow of Ideas: